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5 best Minecraft adventure servers for 2021

An adventure server within the Minecraft multiplayer world is typically somewhat of an umbrella label for any server that features a mix of heavy RPG elements, in-depth progression, and inspired roleplay/fantasy attributes.

Minecraft adventure servers aren't typically restricted to a single theme or concept, unlike many other popular game modes. Due to their nature, adventure servers are highly unique when contrasted to one another.

This list will explore a few great adventure-based Minecraft servers, perfect for those looking for a fun and fresh blocky adventure to embark on.

Note: The servers discussed are the writer's opinions and are in no particular order of quality.

Five thrilling adventure servers for Minecraft Java Edition

#1 - Purple Prison

In terms of potential for an adventure, it doesn't get much more exciting than battling through the ranks in an attempt to earn freedom from a violent prison planet that is currently in the process of being invaded by outer-worldly aliens.

This might sound insane, but on Purple Prison, players do precisely this. The server has a large and highly unrestrictive set of ways for players to earn money to progress and eventually escape.

Be it through mining, gambling, PvP, or even setting up a rigged casino for others to take part in, ruthlessly making money is the only way to escape this forsaken planet.


#2 - Labyrinth of Sordrin

The Labyrinth of Sordrin is the perfect adventure map server for any curious and inquisitive Minecrafters.

On the server, players must navigate and traverse through a 3000x3000 block gargantuan sized custom-built maze. The maze is filled with booby traps, hidden rooms, landmarks, puzzles, and many mysteries for players to uncover.

Beating the map and hence the server is no easy task, however. Players must be ready to take on a job that will require and test skills such as problem-solving, orienteering, and patience.


#3 - MassiveCraft Adventure

MassiveCraft features a dedicated Minecraft RPG adventure server

MassiveCraft is primarily known for its great Minecraft factions server. However, they also run a lesser-known but still brilliant dedicated adventure quest server.

On this server, players can explore a vast array of beautiful and custom-built islands. Here, they can not only complete epic quests that contribute to their individual storyline but also construct their own unique experiences through the vast freedom the server encourages.

For example, a few things players are free to do during their adventures include exploring monuments, robbing banks, battling monsters, solving secret puzzles, picking locks, and even making music!


#4 - Monumenta

The Monumenta Minecraft server mission statement provides an adventure to players that are highly unique compared to anything else seen in the Minecraft multiplayer scene.

In this server, players can begin their epic adventure of fighting custom bosses, clearing dungeons, and most importantly, completing detailed, well thought out quests.

Running out of things to do on Monumenta should never be a problem either. The server boats 18 custom built dungeons, 90 unique story quests, and seven individual and different player classes for players to experiment with.


#5 - Imagineering Disneyland

The Imagineering server is an example of a fantastic idea executed brilliantly. The server takes the form of an accurate and functional scale replica of the real-life Disneyland theme parks, brought directly into a Minecraft server world for players to enjoy and adventure in.

Players are, of course, able to ride any attraction found in a real-life Disneyland resort, participate in fairground games, and even purchase in-game Disney merchandise for their character model to wear.


Note: This article reflects the author's personal views.

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