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Deyjah Harris Teaches Fans To Rephrase A Limiting Belief About Themselves

Deyjah Harris is telling her fans and followers on social media to rephrase a limiting belief about themselves. Check out her message below.

‘rephrase a limiting belief you have about yourself. I’ll start😌. instead of saying “I could be doing better” it becomes “I’m doing the best that I can, and that’s all that matters. keep patient with yourself and take it one day at a time.”Deyjah said.

People also hopped in the comments with their own examples.

Someone said: ‘Instead of saying I can’t it becomes “ I can do all things thru Christ that strengthens me” Philippians 4:13’ and another follower posted this: ‘Instead of saying “I wish the world would accept me” it becomes “I accept me!’

One commenter posted: ‘Instead of saying “I want to be the best version of myself” say “I am already the person I desire to be, and everything I need is already within me”’ and someone else said: ‘Instead of saying ‘ this is hard” say ” I got this nothing worth having comes easy”‘

A fan posted this: ‘Instead of saying “I can’t” say I can strive and go harder don’t give up keep a positive mindset.’

Someone else said: ‘“I will never be happy nor accepted” becomes “I am my own source of happiness, I make the rules for my life; I am positivity, light, and beauty as well as humble and if that’s enough for God then it’s enough for me.”’

In other news, T.I.’s daughter, Deyjah Harris made an important announcement on her social media account. She told fans that she’s working on some footage about mental health, and she already filmed a Q&A.


Also, you probably recall the massive scandal that Deyjah Harris and her dad, T.I. were involved in not too long ago. The media keeps applying pressure on this issue, and it seems that both Tip and Deyjah have had enough.
